Ironically, ranked second to last in the 2020 Democracy Index, Its Skeleton Coast has seen hundreds of ships wrecked, Fought a war with its southern neighbour in 1969 after losing to them in a World Cup qualifying game, The steel drum, now widely used in the music of the region, was invented here, A monarchy since becoming an independent nation, it became a republic in November 2021, Despite spanning more than 60 degrees of longitude, the country uses a single time zone. Many Latin American countries are experiencing a financial contraction (such as unfunded pensions for an aging populace, deficit government spending, or the inability to spend on public services) and also have some of the most closed economies in the world. ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruSurinameUruguayVenezuela. )Vatican City. The police in this island country detained a coconut for allegedly rigging an election. There are over 5500 companies that have lasted for at least 200 years. In 1979, Jean Bedel Bossaka, the dictator of this country, massacred 100 students for not wearing proper school uniforms. This country produces 92% of the world's opium. The world's largest seed, the Coco de mer, weighs 18 kilograms and is found only in this country. In this country, there is a lake called 'Lake Assal', which is even saltier than the Dead Sea. Seconded on the Kyrgyzstan issue. This is hands-down one of the best tests on this site I have played so far, but I have a few criticisms: Thanks for the comments! This country's land area is only 702 km squared, but it controls over 2 million kilometers squared of the Pacific Ocean. This country has never had a national election, probably due to the fact that the entire country only has 1 political party. In 2013, when contractors in this country wanted to build a new road, they destroyed a 2300 year old Mayan temple for bricks. Volcanoes and earthquakes go hand in hand in this region, as many of the islands in the Caribbean are volcanic in origin and not dormant. 90% of all of this country's wildlife can't be found anywhere else. 196 countries, 196 facts Settle in for a challenge: identify every single country in the world from these pieces of trivia about them Quiz by rwwt Rate: Last updated: August 18, 2022 You have not attempted this quiz yet. )BahrainEgyptIranIraqIsrael (Israel may be located in the Middle East, but it is certainly an outsider culturally and perhaps better belongs attached to Europe, like its seaward neighbor and European Union member state, Cyprus. | View Desktop Site, Settle in for a challenge: identify every single country in the world from these pieces of trivia about them. Just keep in mind that in any single given year, some countries (often) have effectively 0 visitors, so it's more of a long-term thing. Likewise, the Caribbean and Central America are grouped separately from North and South America due to similarities based on latitudes. Every day, on average, 7% of this entire country eats at McDonald's. | Go To Top Every month, the staff of this country's and Slovakian embassies meet to exchange wrongly addressed letters. As worded, it sounds a bit subjective, but it's essentially giving you a definition of the word "Bohemian". The Dutch obtained this country by trading the area that would become New York City with the British. Just keep in mind that in any single given year, some countries (often) have effectively 0 visitors, so it's more of a long-term thing. Thanks for the comments! I also liked the -shvili clue, although you wrote "descendents" when you meant "ancestors". It also has no national language. Asia stretches from former "stans" of theUSSRto thePacific Ocean. This country's president is STILL officially Kim Il-Sung, even though he's been dead for 20 years. Texas (268,597 sq mi) is larger than the 14 smallest states combined (239,607 sq mi). 196 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT THE 196 COUNTRIES. However, its culture and settlement are clearly European in nature. It's separated from Antarctica by the Drake Passage which is 600 miles wide (1,000 kilometers). Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria F Fiji Finland France G Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana H Haiti Honduras Hungary I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland This video is about Afghanistan. It is a popular tradition every New Year's Eve in this country to watch the slapstick British sitcom, 'Dinner for One', from 1963. Among the 20 countries of Central America and the Caribbean, none are landlocked, and half are islands. The capital of one of its eight regions is a metaphor for the mysterious and remote. The clue is very easy to guess but feels a bit off. On Easter in this country, instead of the Easter Bunny, eggs are believed to be given out by an old woman called the 'Easter Granny'. This country set the world record for the longest period without an elected government in a democratic state, tallying 589 days. The Alpine countries of Europe is a term used to refer to the area around the Alps mountains. Challenges to conservation include the remote location and fact that much of the area's oceans are outside the direct jurisdiction of the countries there. Between 1639 and 1853, any citizen who left this country, including fishermen blown off course by accident, could not return. Unfortunately, neither finished their race due to getting sick just before. Also, if you killed one, even accidentally, you were sentenced to death. Definitely my least favorite questions. It is legal to be homosexual if you are a woman in this country, but not if you're a man. It is the only tree around for miles and nobody knows where its water source comes from. The main thing I dislike about the clues, though, is that if you explicitly knew that that particular pair of countries were frequently confused for each other, you still would not have a great shot at answering it. This country used it against the Germans, 2000 of them died and not a single German was injured. Shares its name with the fourth-largest city in its neighbouring country to the east. His net worth at the time of his presidency was $1800. The "y" in this word is not used to make the consonant sound like in "yellow", but an "i" like in "bit" sound, therefore it's a vowel. There are ATMs in this country, specifically Dubai, that dispense gold bars. But this answer certainly works. Besides big players like the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, Mexico and Brazil, most of these countries have fewer than 50 million residents and might be difficult for people to find on a map. The fastest 100 meters backwards was run by Ferdi Ato Aboboe from this country. A man in this country was mauled by lions when he jumped into their enclosure with a Bible attempting to convert them to Christianity. Even today some people make a living off of selling scrap metal from those bombs. 2 or 3 seems like enough. Defined by the Alpine Convention in 1991, the eight Alpine states include: Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Slovenia, Monaco. Slavery was still completely legal in this country until 2004. This country is the most overweight country in the world with 95% of all its people overweight. Coconuts are believed to be connected to black magic there. Did you know there are only 196 countries that are not disputed? By Andrew Dawson. The fact about Czechia is subjective, could apply to other countries and you could definitely find a better one. But this answer certainly works. I'm going to stick to my guns on the similarly-named countries. This country holds the record for the largest international soccer win ever by beating American Samoa 31 to 0. This country is the world's largest producer of cocoa, used to make chocolate. 9. Nauru is the one that concerns me, as its annual tourism is stated to be around 200, but it is also often left off of those lists as well. However, Tinder requires Facebook which is banned in China, More countries are apart of FIFA (209) than there are countries (196). Is there a world of difference between Tonga meaning "southwards" and Australia meaning "southern lands"? Christopher Columbus didn't land in America immediately, the first place he landed was in this country. Libya, for example, has been nearly un-visitable since the civil war began, but it's very likely just a null data point. The island of Run is as least as important, and it is not like the city couldn't have been built elsewhere. But we make it easy to see all the important information for each country at a glance, as well as flag information and an atlas overview for whatever area you are most curious about. In this country's prisons, prisoners can reduce sentences by reading books and pedalling bicycles for electricity. The 23 countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and Greater Arabia include some countries not traditionally considered as part of the Middle East (such as Pakistan). You cannot reasonably say "Kyrgyzstan" is 90 per cent consonants. Definitely my least favorite questions. But I decided that "Republic" is definitely more generic a noun than "Africa"! Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Could use *slightly* fewer football questions. The country which lies in 2 continents. In 2002, this country's court jester squandered 40% of the country's annual revenue in investment schemes. This country was the center of the Mayan civilization, making it the birthplace of chocolate bars, and one of the first places the number 0 was used. More quiz info >> Start Quiz Show Missing Countries 18 comments Create once. All of the old buildings from Star Wars filmsets in this country are still intact and are visitable. This country is so strict about being neutral that it only agreed to join the United Nations in 2002 despite being independent since its inception half a century ago. In this country's ancient times, cats were so sacred that when a cat died, they were mummified and every member of the family shaved off their eyebrows in sorrow. The sultan of this country, Hassanal Bolkiah, is one of the richest men in the world, is worth $20,000,000,000, and owns over 500 cars. This country may have only 2 Nobel Prize winners, but due to its tiny size, it has the highest ratio of winners to population in the world. The baby name 'Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116' was officially banned in this country after a couple unsuccessfully tried to name their child that. A unibrow on women is deemed very attractive in this country with all women aspiring and sometimes faking to have it. 196 Facts About the 196 Countries of uns Welt - Sean Goss News & Discussion - FUT Talk - Futhead 196 Facts About the 196 Countries of uns Welt By Gerechtiget Posted on 7/16/18 FH Talk Sean Goss 196 Facts About the 196 Countries of uns Welt Still higher number than points received by Pioneer. A wonderful and entertaining quiz with lots of fun facts Ive never heard of before (e.g. A world of flavors. I'm going to adjust the question though. This country is the least religious country in the world, with only 16% of people believing in a God. Want to Read. The alcoholic drink Pisco might have been invented in this country, although its neighbour to the south very strongly disputes that, This landlocked nation operates a navy on the world's 12th-longest river. I know english considers y a consonant, but in this case, it isn't. This country has the fastest internet connection in the world, 21 point 9 megabytes per second, which is 40% faster than the next highest, Japan. The Equator doesn't actually go through this country. Also USA and Canada are not similar names. The world's termites outweigh the world's humans about 10 to 1. And I reckon anyone getting Gambia is copy/pasting the still-yellow countries at the end of the quiz. Some of these seemed obvious, some I knew instantly and felt good about knowing, some I could work out or use elimination, some I had absolutely 0 idea what they were talking about. The last major landmass to be discovered and settled, some time in the 1300s. The fact about Czechia is subjective, could apply to other countries and you could definitely find a better one. In this country's last military engagement, they sent 80 men and returned with 81 as they had made an Italian friend. I haven't looked at it on mobile, I'll see if there's any way to improve it. I completely agree that "y" is, linguistically speaking, a vowel in Kyrgyzstan. Rosenberg, Matt. Could use *slightly* fewer football questions. The only word originating from this country's language widely used in today's English is 'vampire'. Books shelved as 196-countries-196-books: The Ardent Swarm by Yamen Manai, The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne, The President's Hat by Antoine Lau. I'm going to leave that one for the moment. hide this ad Replay Next Quiz You Got 0% Avg Score 21% Avg Friend Score Upgrade to see Score Distribution Score 0/196 Timer 20:00 0 Plays Today Recently Published The list below has more (partially disputed) countries, a total of 257 countries with links to pages with facts about the country, the flag, maps, population, languages, birth rate, information about the land, size, death rate, animals, coordinates, other facts and additional . 15% of all the world's bird species live in this country. Follow this publisher. In the Bible, Noah knew this country as the land of milk and honey. )FijiKiribatiMarshall IslandsThe Federated States of MicronesiaNauruNew ZealandPalauPapua New GuineaSamoaSolomon IslandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu. Going to change that one. This country features the most dangerous road in the world, the North Yungas Road, which is located in the mountains with no guard rails and kills 200 to 300 people annually. I will rethink that clue! Here are 10 of the. 196 facts about the 196 countries: Afghanistan - YouTube This video is about Afghanistan. This country is one of only 2 countries, the other being Madagascar, to not use a decimal currency. (accessed January 18, 2023). Now the shoe of one of the victims is put on display at a museum there. World War 2 was the last time a cavalry charge was used in a war. The island of Run is as least as important, and it is not like the city couldn't have been built elsewhere. Countries of the World The world is a busy place with changing politics and constantly updated events taking place. I got that question from a source that definitely said inches, but the link is now dead, and I see other sources disagree. Rate this book. The streets have no name in this country, instead reference points are used to describe locations, such as the second house on the left of the plaza. AustraliaEast Timor (While East Timor lies on an Indonesian [Asian] island, its eastern location requires that it be located in the Oceania nations of the world. Retrieved from "Commonly confused with its south-/north-ern neighbor*". I originally wanted to make a question out of the claim that their embassies in the US have to regularly exchange mail addressed to the wrong one. Shares its name with the fourth-largest city in its neighbouring country to the east. 10. No coins have ever been issued in general circulation in this country, so some people throw banknotes into fountains instead. The country which has the most amount of Obese people. To avoid confusion, this Congo is sometimes called Congo-Brazzaville. For instance, about 80 percent of the species in Australia are unique to that country. Of these countries, Austria and Switzerland have the largest area of mountain coverage, while the . Nicholas Copernicus, Pope John Paul II, and Marie Curie were all from this country. I would say there is a significant difference. Albert Podell, a former editor of Playboy magazine, did what all of us fantasize about but very few achieve: He traveled to all 196 countries on Earth. Thanks for the reply! The last major landmass to be discovered and settled, some time in the 1300s. I also liked the -shvili clue, although you wrote "descendents" when you meant "ancestors". AfghanistanAlgeriaAzerbaijan (The former republics of the Soviet Union are typically lumped into one region, nearly 30 years after independence. Of course, in the more long term, Libya is not going to stay anywhere near the bottom once peace is eventually restored, so I'm not too worried about that. Couple unsuccessfully tried to name their child that its water source comes.! Bible attempting to convert them to Christianity 'vampire ' pedalling bicycles for electricity word originating from country... 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