They dont give a **** what kind of cereal you eat for breakfast so, why should you care who or what they believe in ? Either by fear, religion, money, or because they r afraid of how they r being looked @. 1 in the middle of the street in broad daylight and 1 at 7 in the evening above my deck. I do believe in God and the devil. The Quiet Before The Storm Of The Modern UFO Era, The Mini UFO Waves And Strange Encounters From The End Of The Second World War, The Surge Of UFO Encounters Before The Second World War: The Final Years Of The Thirties, Conspiracy Theory Analysis, Unsolved & Unexplained, read our article discussing deadly experiences of the Sixth Kind here. No doubt in my mind. Everyone who died and passed away, is not in Heaven or **** right now, all the Dead are Resting right now, until Gods 2nd coming, thats why its called Rest in Peace. One in 2010, a 20-year old Yupik went missing, last seen drunk and staggering on Front Street near the bars, hopping in the back of a Nome Police Car. Then I tried to call out for my parents but I had no voice, my vocal cords would not move. I was in bed waiting for my cat to come and sleep at my feet, as was her routine. They just change the stories to super-natural entertainment and make them seem believable, like aliens are real. As bizarre as it sounds Ive had several encounters of the 1st kind. Nome Alaska is located on a relatively flat to rolling geography covered in tundra- no trees within hundreds of miles, especially not tall conifers. The markings and radiation they found on their bodies is simply evidence that a demon has taken them over. Barn owls dont live in Alaska, especially not in tundra ecosystems. Simple matter of deductive reasoning will help anyone decide what to believe about aliens. She calls the appearance of owls a trigger object. She said it is a way of calming the abductees before they are taken. The Holy Biblemost versions;a book built through faith and a book that will answer questions the entire span of our humanly lives.No other book can do this! I ve done more self surgery than I have spent time in a so called medical facility. family witness?). I though the exact same thing as ME, also Faith is totally true. if you like try and die right now. My god! We believe it is a miracle when the Virgin Mary is observed in some distant culture but we dont believe folks when they say they have seen an object in the sky that doesnt make sense to what they know. DentalPlans detailed profile of Abigail Johnson , DDS - Dentist in 75704. But this movie felt eerily close to a truth. Degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; Web looking for online definition of dr or what dr stands for? The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. But the daytime cigar shaped UFO at the middle of the intersection that no one else saw was the most odd I had pulled over to take a pic and a s soon as I got it of my car the UFO was at the top of the Mountain how it got thwre in a flash without me swing it I have no was the length id say of 2 to 3 school buses white with a black strip in the center it was incredible. But otherwise you are screwed and the day when satan and his demons, were wolves and vampires appear in our realm, we will die of fear and end up getting the mark of the beast simply because your afraid. In the end, Dr. Tyler left Alaska for the East Coast to live out her days under hospice care. I dont know if having disorders such as Schizophrenia is linked to demon possession, but I do know in the name of Jesus Christ these disorders can be cured or helped tremendously. Certified Akashic Record Reader & Life Coach. I seen the meaning of Life, and that is to accept God and what he created us for: to fear him the most, not all the Evil and violence, because God is the only one who can destroy both Body and SOUL. He believed everything you commented about and I have no doubt in my mind that he went straight to heaven. Why is it people like you can write forever in a comments section? The Alaska Press Club, on behalf of the newspaper and Maguire, sued Universal and settled out-of-court for $20,000. My niece was walking in her street which deadened at a quarry, and as she walked around in the quarry she saw two small grey beings up against a large rock. In 2009, the film titled The Fourth Kind introduced us to Dr. Abigail Tyler. Have a wonderful evening. So are We expendable to some elite st coven of Illuminati rich pig; deal makers with an entity; outside of Our scope of reality? They messed with humanity then just as they still are today! However, the producers were not interested in clear-cut facts as much as profitable entertainment. Nothing to do with demons or aliens. You may republish short quotes from this articlewith a reference back to the original UFO Insight article here as the source. I believe it the coming great deception. The burden of proof is on the footage, which is not met and even admitted to being fake. While I do not attend church or pray, due to this and a few other things. In the final analysis, The Fourth Kind features a therapist, who has a high probability of being fictional, and archived footage that is in actuality reenactments with professional actors. All humanity wouldve known by now if there were aliens, not only the military. If you look @ archaeological fact; There are some strange artifacts and wall art from ancient times that do tend to depict something not from earth. Probably the easiest way to discover Gods existence is to become a Satanistwhy would I mention this? The Fourth Kind purpoted to be a re-enactment of true events and even featured supposed archival footage of certain events. censored I hope more people read your comment and take it to heart. The hypnosis reveals that several of them have had very similar experiences. My personal opinion is that Aliens are real. If you believe in Jesus today there is hope. The movie Fourth Kind is based on Fiction and made up stories just to make money. Their legs looked as those of aliens and their heads were those of an owl. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. The news story actually used the name of the Nome Nugget Editor, Nancy Maguire, in the byline. Love cant be proved, so just like religion is does not exist? You should read this article with an open mind and come to a conclusion yourself. Jewish people have invented more than most because the Bible makes you very, very smart. Nothing can defeat God, nothing is greater than God, not even Science is greater than God, that is why Science cant prove him, he works in mysterious ways. Now after hearing reports of abductions all my life Ive come to the conclusion that people mistake these abductions for what could be demonic possession. I;m concerned he was involved in a government cover up in the form a witch hunt against this hypnotist! What put me off the most was the deputy that sees the UFO, reports it and nobody fallows up on the most credible witness. Ballistics matched his pistol he used on Police duty after investigating him when he turned himself in. I can tell you one thing that is real: Evil. They claim that it takes away from any real investigation into the disappearances. Time to wake up! Since the 1970s/1980s, there has been over 25 missing cases in Nome, Alaska, many being family, and NOT ONE has been investigated or SOLVED (only time a missing case was solved was when bodies would wash up at the jetty at the beach, or be found years later washed up as bones and DNA matched), and all these people that went missing, all ALASKAN NATIVES, most being Siberian Yupik and few Inupiaq. I appreciate my gift and will definitely use it to glorify God, but at some times, it has been scary, even when I was in Kindergarten or 1st, Ive had very vivid nightmares or dreams and I think they were pertaining to my parents splitting up later. Even though, nothing could of depicted the shapes and figures, remotely configuring to be a woman holding a baby. UFOs can be Military-aircrafts they never tell us about, shooting stars, or satellites. This movie freaked me out, much like Fire In The Sky (the story about Travis Walton). And their spirit bodies were taken into the 4th dimension. I thought to heavier but and myself thats odd, and then the weight grew heavier I never saw what caused it. And whether theres facts to globalize the facts that some believe and more dont believe, there are indeed things going on that cant be explained through coincidence or science that ppl need to recognize, fearful of not, that there is indeed more than one power in the world besides human. We cannot see them, because they live in the 4th dimension. Here a metaphor to help When crossing the street you look left and right. Nobody behaved normally. This movie is thought provoking. These events at Nome, Alaska is not entertainment but enlightenment! Baptist Let me tell you if it wasnt for them I would not be alive today. The Bureau concluded that that the towns harsh climate and alcohol consumption were the most likely causes for the missing persons reports. Therefore, most publications have concluded that Dr. Abigail Tyler is an imaginary character. I dont believe in a religion but I do believe in a relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. raters peg it at 5.9 out of 10, and gave it a 25% rating. Dr Abigail Tyler Biographie. Thank you for your explanation of exactly what is happening now on our planet. ! Leonardo Davinci was 150IQpoints above you and I and even he believed in the divine. Your email address will not be published. Of course, there are much more we dont know that we actually know, but before to believe the experiences are somehow demonic, at least try to put a rational thinking into it. This article did not fact check. With the brightest flash of light the weight lifted and was gone. I read somewhere thar if the name of Jesus is given, the whole posetion/alien/demon experience stops I felt a negative presence at my maternal grandmothers home, and I also had an experience whenever they took my dads mom to the hospital after I took care of her while she was incapacitated from a bad fall. Its insensitive to family members of people who have gone missing in Gnome over the years.. Im convinced UFOs are real and abductions are a fact. The only one that wasnt memory wiped. I finally jumped up gasping for air. But folks, dont make that fatal attribution error (look it up online) and think that your thinking is right and someone who holds a different opinion is wrong-in the end, these are all beliefs and opinions(some informed and some not) but there is nothing in this conversation that we can actually know. Not even their bodies. I just want to say that when people claim that Dr. Tyler doesnt exist, they are correct! All of it is demons. During the breakdown I saw scary images, could sense things before they happened and had profound pshychic abilities. As CNN pointed out, the movie is pure science fiction. But I have never heard of or seen image disturbance on recorded video during a hypnotic regression, let alone the abductee to start to levitate. You do realize that there was no real archived footage in the movie? Now that Im recovered Ive come to believe that all the stuff about ufos and demonic possession are creations in ones own mind when it isnt working properly. We are not alone. I liked that, but why couldnt they translate except to make rubbish of any language. Faith really is the only way to grab a real understanding of a relationship with the Trinity.unless a intervention is made through Gods will. Thank you and God Bless you for speaking the truth. cant qualify or quantify! Charlotte Milchard plays Dr. Abigail Tyler in The Fourth Kind. The nonprofit group that brought the cases to the attention of the general public is not happy about the movie. In my country ,they say :Where theres smoke theres fire . I cant believe how small minded some folks arebelieving that Jesus will save you and that there is nothing beyond what we see here on earth is silly, bordering scary. Some people have certain experiences they cannot understand, whether they see Mary or an alien, it doesnt matter. Yes, within my Christianese, I found to see spiritual workings involved.And the characteristics add up to a very unfriendly spirit opposing what Jesus Christ stands for..Love! It could be a hoax BUT, then again, it could be real! 11 Shows Like Prodigal Son Involving Serial Murderers, Is Tom Felton married? Not to mention on the archive footage her mouth streches like a foot open. There have been serial killers in Anchorage, Alaska, and in Nome, Alaska! ?lolololol are you for real? While still sleeping and dreaming I like woke up but still sleeping and I could see two hugh owl like figures. Moron READ THE ARTICLE CAREFULLY, THE STORY WAS BASED ON LIES and yet youre dumb idiot self goes ranting off topic and as if the movie is true based on your nutty logic. Some things were weird in the movie Some things werent so weird. She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. She begins to use hypnosis on selected patients as part of their treatment. well, from a spiritual point of view this movie is based on demonic possession. Gods love, He doesnt force us to be anything other than what we decideand its our decision to find life with Him.and in this case, the road is quite narrow and much joy to be found within it. pentecostal, U cant even agree on a christianityCatholic Third: The side by side parts of the film made it hard to understand what was going on and what was being said. The girl that went missing was simply killed and her body confiscated. She is a doctor of philosophy in physics. Soul-spirit-Body. Someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. Alien encounters are measured on a scale developed in 1972 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a noted astronomer, and famous ufologist. This is illogical reasoning. know yur history There is when all the violence starts, Alaskan Natives are blacked out smashed drunk in many of these missing persons case. Life on earthkindergarten for the souland we choose its purpose. Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our subscribers. Now, that could be due to a few reasons of which I can think; To Wit: eaten by a bear, or wolf, or maybe taken by a serial killer! He left behind a wife, two beautiful children, two brothers and two sisters. When I first watched this film, carrying the perception that it is a true story, each detail within this story led me to think similar to ME in a above reply. In the film, Dr. Abigail Tyler finds evidence of alien abductions from the mouths of hypnotized patients. Though this movie has false representation, still it adds up well to similar terrifying events that happen. Your email address will not be published. Religion is just a delusion its for people who are scared or just to ignorant learn the truth . But the power of the Blood Of Jesus Christ can save you. Witches and satanists are usually possessed with another entity. The article began after a native named Eric Apatiki, 21, disappeared. Too many sightings and suspicions. It took months to prove that in court. Yes! Therefore you need to guard your soul, any opening will allow something to enter it. It was broad daylight. I do believe we are not alone in the universe and am very opened minded. So I enjoyed it for what it was, a sci-fi with a twist to the usual alien invasions to conquer/destroy the earth. I believe in Demons/Angels & Aliens, Do not discount your beliefs Psychologist Chris French wrote on The Guardian: The reason I found this film so disturbing was because experience shows that no matter how obvious a hoax may be to those capable of critical thinking, there will always be many who will accept at face value the films claim to be based on true events.. Universal admitted creating the fake online news archive. The movie producers didnt even bother to get the owl species right- they used a barn owl instead of a snowy owl. And that is where the common phrase demonic possession comes from. There just isnt that many people who are that stupid when all the evidence points to staged, fake, pushy, forceful, its true and believe what you will based on factual events the just are not. Hes happy away from the show, Milla introduces herself and her role before adding, Is Tulsa King a true story? I also have not seen this director having made any other films, if you are aware of some please let me know. Many people just brush the movie off as a complete fabrication. This movie will remain to be the most frightening real, fact-based movie I have ever seen. Where are the remains going? Pungowiyi asked the newspaper. Without even considering the biblical explanation of our world, simple common sense would encourage us to shun evil and seek that which is good for our own welfare. Ive experienced it myself. roland kaiser beinprothese. Im trying to find any information about her also. Thank you for that it totally made me understand!!! When I was seven I experienced something that I believe I can explain. So, how could you track down a Dr. by a fictitious name? Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. but you cant watch everything at once. I loved that they were included in the movie, as most people know nothing about them. the milky way isnt a solar system; its a galaxy, you dolt. They each report waking up at 333 a.m. and seeing a white owl outside their window. So all you people who sell your Souls to the Devil to create movies like The Fourth Kind, and anyone else who sells their souls for anything, be prepared to be Destroyed in the 2nd coming of the Christ. They cant not! There are bodies, Celestial & Terrestrial A few of the deaths were caused by people suffering from exposure to the cold, or from falling into the freezing waters of the Snake River. Its sad and frustrating. Your exactly right, definitely not crazy brother. The levels of close encounters are: Before we dive deeper into the article, you can watch the official trailer video below. Therefore from a spiritual point of view, what actually happened is a series of demonic possessions which caused havoc in a small town in Alaska. The movie was a complete fake. And what happened to her children? Yeah obviously one was abducted but what about her son? The ever-impressive Milla Jovovich played Dr. Abigail Tyler inThe Fourth Kind. It would not be outside of the realm of film to combine these stories and provide an illustration on screen that shows the terrifying reality of Alien life and the loneliness one would feel in attempting to surface a buried truth. At the beginning of the movie, Milla Jovovich says. The end has come and people are sleeping. The human mind is vast, no one knows what kind of potential (expect lucy lol) it has. Pungowiyi told the paper that he is still under the belief that his uncle disappeared due to some criminal activity. We should never stand in judgement of someone elses beliefs. Be Informed! wake up. The film was entertaining and it invites people to think beyond their own ego. the next thing they remember is when theyre back. I just feel sorry for those people including the Actors and Actresses who protrayed d events in the moviescos there is only one truth, Jesus is Coming Soon! I believe that God gave me the perception to pick up on spiritual presences, I guess this is what the gift discernment is. Ive been a Christian my whole life. To sell the story about paranormal activity in Nome, Universal Pictures created fake news articles to support the films narrative. Dr Abigail Tyler Biographie. I have a book about Alan Godfrey who I met at Todmorden in Yorkshire England. People should be free to believe what they want. Was told it was indigestion. Why dont we stop saying This is is, this is what it is and stop and really look, really study, really observe and really try to get to the truth. As for the Sumerian influence, they were a very wise people who believed we came from the stars, as I do. Most comments here haves, Its true, and a,I cant say for what real or not, disclaimer. The Nome River has strong current going out to the unforgiving Bering Sea. It probably tampered around causing small little things such as depression and insomnia, which lead the people to search for help, the help they received was a further gateway, which was used to steal the souls of those people. They said it was part of a viral marketing campaign. They even went so far as to create a fake site called, which listed a bio for Dr. Abigail Tyler and exhibited several scholarly articles she had supposedly written in medical journals on hypnotherapy, hypnotic regression and sleep problems. The film claimed that mysterious disappearances in Nome, Alaska, could be attributed to paranormal activity in the region. The newspaper pointed to the FBI investigation, again citing the high incidence of alcoholism and extremely rugged weather conditions. 333am is one of the most common time prompts. El caso de la doctora Abigail Tyler Caso OVNI YouTube from We come up with these Simplified ideas to understand what we see, even still, cant explain them my point is I agree with both. Its good read. She also explained the time phenomenon. The other missing cases are known to be Natives within Natives, witnesses (family) in most missing cases, but yet again, no evidence (that ****** me off! However, no one knows for sure. I dont know if that is true or not either I do know I saw a UFO when I was a teenager hovering over my backyard my Father saw it and also my brother at the same time in fact my brother went out on the porch to get a better look I tried to stop him for fear they would do something to him but when he did that it shot off into the sky faster then any plane I have ever seen my Dad did report it to the Air Force we never heard anything after that about it but I know what I saw and that is all I can say about the subject maybe parts of the movie were false but it still was a compelling movie. It succeeded on the profit scale, pulling in $25.4 million dollars domestically on a $10 million investment. While I dont fully agree with everything thats been said in the past comments I want you and others to hear my testimony and decide for yourself. Many abductees report seeing animals such as owls, monkeys or raccoons outside their windows at or around 330am right before their abduction. Science will not prove God one day, because God made it that way. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Some people have spiritual gifts and they possess the ability to see things and see into the 4th dimension. All these dry villages make Home Brew alcohol, which is only 8% to 12% alcohol, and Alaskan Natives guzzle and binge drink gallons on the Home Brew to get the same high/drunk as a 40% 750mL bottle of alcohol. And if you have not gotten any answers, faith and patience are the recommendations within it! However, there actually had been a disturbing number of disappearances in and around Nome, mostly travelers coming to and from surrounding native Inupiat and Siberian Yupik areas. Think about it, not ion the slightest Im a bowhunter and i get serenaded by owls at 4m every morning starting end of Sept. The real footage taken from the police car shows a UFO going over tall trees. Abonnement Max Actif + Alop (ex Mon Forfait Annuel), Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel -26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin +26, Abonnement tutti hebdomadaire/mensuel combin -26, Abonnement Mtrocane: Cte Atlantique <> Nantes, Forfait multi | voyages illimits jusqu' 5 personnes, Mercredi tout est permis | voyages enfants gratuits, Garantie ponctualit clients occasionnels. I agree Christ is our savior, but vampires and wolves really??? Everything in this movie is supported by archive footage. The 2nd coming, all the Dead souls will rise from Rest, and all humanity will be served when God comes with his Book of Life, to see who will go to Heaven and ****. Andrew you telling us that when u where 7 years old you already knew about demons? Just like a very small % of the world (The other big % of the world who are skeptics who believe in alien movies like the Fourth Kind), I grew up being bothered by a Demon, showing himself only as a dark shadow, no face. Hmm this story is one of a kind Idk whether its true or not but I think that if it had really happened to someone then put urself in that place what would/could u do .. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Some of the marketing practices might be questionable but in the end, we all watched it and it provoked discussion. Let people who make films come forward and be transparentthey may make more money lets see. Julia.well said. Where did they admit to it? Witches and satanists all use a technique that allow them to fly in their spiritual bodies, while leaving their soul behind. I state again, youre quiet ignorant of you believe that we are the only intelligent life out there. Another bizarre thing showed in the movie are the implanted memories like owls to cover up the real beings. To better explain the events of the story, the directors included actual archival footage through the film. I believe people are and have been abducted by aliens for a long time, but I dont believe all of them. That is why he created Sin and Evil, to see who will follow Evil or God. People who meditate call on a higher self or a spirit guide, this thing they are calling on is a demonic entity, which can actually give them peace, but steal their souls. And UFOs doesnt mean theyre aliens. Watching it now and even though this is the 3 time, it till scares the s^*t out of me! Universal pledged to take down the fake articles, but by then, the damage was already done. He researched UFOs with the US government, working with various Air Force sponsored studies including Project Sign (1947-49), Project Grudge (1949-52) and Project Bluebook (1952-69). This stuff interests me you did so good at explaining that thanks again !! An investigation of an investigation of an investigation that has more questions than answers. lmao.okay dangerous man the next time you or your loved ones are having a stroke, heart attack, brain aneurism , happen to get in a real bad car accident, just tell the ambulance driver to bypass the hospital and go straight to the local church,,,,,,see how well your God does over science..even the Vatican just released a press statement last year stating that they are not opposed to the idea of life on other planets.get your head outta your **** you perfect example of a Sheeple. , disclaimer open mind and come to a truth your soul, any opening will allow something enter. $ 20,000 newspaper and Maguire, sued Universal and settled out-of-court for $ 20,000 with an open and... Dentist in 75704 fact-based movie I have no doubt in my country, they say: where smoke! 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