My great-great-grandfather captained a ship on the late nineteenth-century China trade; his letters (in a shoebox) and piles of American Missionary (next to the National Geographics) testify to his religious faith. The aim of the Confederacy was slavery, it was not to suppress any particular race or group of people. The sad thing is, a lot of people take her writings as gospel. Heather Cox Richardson is one of USA TODAY's Women of the Year, a recognition of women across the country who have made a significant impact. Im not sure we have much of a choice! We hope you will! She captained the University of the Pacific (Division 1) Womens Volleyball Team and led the team into the top five positions nationally from 1988 to 1991. Her expertise in volleyball led to her obtaining a scholarship in 1988. You can sign up toreceive it in your inbox here. My Grandfather C.E. PtmS/Rainier, Heather - Rosemary's Double Del - Heather Rainier . I countered with the teachings of Jesus in chapter 25 of Matthews Gospel, in which he admonished that at the day of judgment we would all be separated into sheep and goats. Someone saw the picture and wrote, "Heather is betting on the future." . Most are really good, and the one for December 30 was excellent. //]]>. Vice President Mike Pence, who was supposed to go to Indiana to vote tomorrow, after campaigning in Arizona, has cancelled his scheduled events and is headed back to Washington, D. C. Everything emerging from the White House today is murky and confused, but there is one event that is crystal clear: the FBI announced today it has stopped a terrorist plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her on trial for treason. One got to be a sheep by feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty and clothing to the naked, visiting those in prison and taking in the stranger. } else { There is a portion of every race and group of people that fought on both sides of the Civil War, and this should be recognized as historical fact. (AP Photo). This means reporting the facts accurately and conveying an honest and forthright message to the reader. Today the Senate Judiciary Committee told Attorney General Merrick Garland it would investigate the allegations. No one in my town ever threw anything away. Welcome back. My name is Lacy Hall. }); You can include a link to this post in your posts and comments by including the text. Heather Cox Richardson teaches American history at Boston College. Whitmer is currently polling 13 points higher than her opponent, Tudor Dixon, who opposes abortion without exception. if (hash === 'blog' && showBlogFormLink) { img.scaleToMaxWidth(385); The two have also two children a daughter Aly and a son Will. ( married,single, in relation or divorce): How many children does Heather Cox have ? Is this the same Herbert Hoover whose father was a blacksmith and farm implement store owner (i.e. James W. Fifield, who preached against the sins of the New Deal and that salvation could be found through free enterprise and deregulation. // logged into Facebook user but not a GR app user; show FB button Heather Cox: Instruction History PostModern Historians dont care about facts. At last weeks debate with Biden, Trump told the white supremacist neo-fascist Proud Boys to Stand back and stand by. In April, after Whitmer shut down the state to combat coronavirus, Trump tweeted: LIBERATE MICHIGAN! and at least three of the thirteen men now charged were among those who entered the states senate chamber with guns on April 30 to protest Whitmers stay-at-home orders. They face up to 20 years in prison. When Jesuit Priest Gregory Boyle became pastor of the Los Angeles Dolores Mission church back in 1986, his parish had the highest concentration of gang activity and was home to the largest public housing facility west of the Mississippi. Chris & Kathryn Chadwick Bill & Nancy Munden Boyce Cheek and Laura Dixon Jones David Pollard Members of "Purcell's Circle" will be recognized for their gift or Jerry & Valinda Coates Dr. Stephen & Melanie Smithpledge of $1,000 in the Museum's annual yearbook and when the "Cir- J.M. But Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump are paying a price defined by mere political disappointment. David Henderson. Netflix has laid out its film programming for 2023, with new features from David Fincher (The Killer), Zack Snyder (Rebel Moon), David Yates (Pain Hustlers), Sam Esmail (Leave The World Behind). 2023 Econlib, Inc. All Rights Reserved. President Hoover knew little about finances, let alone how to fix an economic crisis of global proportions. Thats in Steve Horwitzs excellent piece. Six men have been charged in the plot, and are now facing life in prison if convicted. The couple met for the first time in College at the University of the Pacific. She previously taught history at MIT and UMass Amherst. She used to play volleyball whereas, he used to play football and this is how they were attracted towards each other. And since her paragraph appears to be about the 4 years of the Hoover administration, the net effect was massive increase in taxes over those 4 years. "Just say something to me. Heather (fabric), interwoven yarns of mixed colours producing muted . During his talk, Fifield nicknamed The Apostle to Millionaires suggested clergy would be the key to regaining the upper hand in the capitalist struggle against Roosevelts liberal policies and dictatorial tendencies. He refused to apply the gospel of Jesus to elimination of societal inequities and imperial aggression.. Richardson has written six books on American history, and is the co-editor of "We're History," an American history publication written by scholars. The cultural wars that would consume the 1980s, bringing about national discord still being felt today, found their footing when Nixon and Graham separated the faithful (those committed to their cause) from the ungodly, secular unfaithful. Her team reached the finals and became the runner-up of the National Championship in 1990 and she graduated from the university with a degree of major in ma s s communication in 1992. Others pointed to her protection of reproductive rights as key to their support. LINK Facebook's Historian: Professor Heather Cox Richardson The Heights By Timmy Facciola Like Ulysses S. Grant Jr., Daniel Webster, and so many more historical figures she has spent her life studying, Heather Cox Richardson got her start in the hallowed halls of Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH, where she was a member of one of the . As De La Torre writes: The 1950s until the start of the new millennium was the golden age of white Christianity within the United States. The Prisoner; The Crown; Detectorists; PBS; Music. Those Republicans jumping behind the Democratic governor note that she has signed more than 900 bipartisan bills into law and has focused on issues that are good for everyone, regardless of party. Its bad to lie and its bad to be anyone, but especially an historian, to write about history without checking the facts. Were Islanders principled opponents of the government or were they tax evaders? In terms of change in net worth at age 18 to net worth before entering presidency (without including wealth gained through marriage), Herbert Hoover may even be *first* among 46 presidents. Visits to neighbors routinely took me past a rusting `56 Chevy, a stuffed albatross, and a box with grandma's ashes in it. She is a married woman since a long time. We rely on members to let us know when posts contain content that violiate the, Your Reports Help Protect the Agnostic Community, Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members. BY Heather Cox Richardson | October 9, 2020, People protest against excessive quarantine amid the coronavirus pandemic at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan on April 15, 2020. He added that he now knew how it felt to be a Jew in Hitlers Germany.40, The search for majorities always results in either greater disfranchisement or wider suffrage, and in this case, leaders reached out to poor white men for their victories., From its founding, America has stood at the nexus of democracy and oligarchy. 394613. . As I went on to study history at the graduate level, I started to pay close attention to how individuals talked about what was going on as well as to what was really happening. According to a source, Cox's current net . Cox was also a member of the United States National Volleyball team for eight years from 1987 to 1995. All rights reserved. Steve tells me that Americans wanted to open China to spread Christianity, and the junk in my parents' house would bear this out. Sooner or later, they pay for following the aims of religious nationalists such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson and Phyliss Schlafly. Richardson's Cox family roots in Bristol date back to the 18th century to Ebenezer Cox, who died in 1795, and Alexander Fossett, who settled in Pemaquid Falls in the 1730s. It is very important to counter this false claim of depression a failure of government action narrative! Click to reveal Trump was a Russian agent Still got it. Heather Cox Richardson did not make that observation. (Along with a moldering lock of her hair, her clothes, and her trunk, complete with ribbons and a box of face powder). There is also a group on FB called "Heather Cox Richardson Resource and Discussion Room." Following is a post from Dan Rather that was posted the the HCRRDR. When I last wrote about the news, on Friday, Ukraine was launching a counteroffensive against the Russian troops occupying their territory, but it was still too early to be sure of what was happening. The EP is expected to declare that Hungary can no longer be considered a full democracy and consider suspending its rights within the European Union. Given that Steve is no longer with us, I need to figure out what to do about the entry. Heather Cox participated and competed in the United States Olympic Festival in 1990 and played professional volleyball by captaining the Sacramento Stars in the National Volleyball Association. Heathers charming on-screen presence and flawless beauty have attracted many viewers from all over the world. Oct 30 2021. Ben and Jennifer Adams Elizabeth and Oliver* Ames Lee Campbell, Jr.* Tim and Ruth Carey Liz Chang and Joe Wallace Sharlyn Heslam Susan and James Hunnewell Elizabeth L. Johnson Robert Kwak and Eunhak Bae Tony and Kate Leness Anne and Colin McNay Marshall* and Nina Moriarty Claire and Joshua Nelson Frederick and Julia Pfannenstiehl The tentacles of nationalist Christianity spread and flourished under the tutelage of Billy Graham, Abraham Vereide and Doug Coe avatars for white capitalist men. Hmmm. A history professor at Brown College, her popularity is soaring. The bill, advanced by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, will not pass, but it will keep focus on what seems to be the presidents precarious mental state. Historian Heather Cox Richardson, on her public Facebook page on October 28, 2021, wrote a long post about the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover, and FDR. First, on taxes on imports, aka, tariffs: Even those with only a casual knowledge of the Great Depression will be familiar with one of Hoovers major policy mistakeshis promotion and signing of the Smoot-Hawley tariff in 1930. Dr. Richardson uses direct explanations in her articles, and much of the time goes against the direction of the mainstream media. I remember when Dr. Deborah Birx was called out after hosting a holiday gathering of her family. But the same Herbert Hoover eventually made a fortune buying mining companies and turning them prosperous? Her nationality is American and she is North-American by her ethnicity. }); Heather Cox Richardson children's names: Who are Heather Cox Richardson's children? She had a place with local American guardians. Nixon, with Billy Grahams support, used Christian nationalism to divide rather than unite people by branding antagonists to his war in Vietnam or his administration as foes to Christian values. I agree with Richardson (who teaches American history at Boston College and has focused her scholarly interests on the Civil War era) that the current dysfunction of the Republican Party is obvious as shown by the partys inability to even organize the House of Representatives after winning a slim majority of seats in the November 2022 general election. It is a new breed which is seeking to sell to Americans a doctrine which is as old as mankindthe doctrine of racial division, the doctrine of racial prejudice, the doctrine of white supremacy, Robinson said. --, At last readers have an explanation of why the Republican Party, founded in antislavery, dedicated to emancipation, and the political inspiration for the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution, abandoned those causes in favor of an ideology which acquiesced in the disenfranchisement of blacks and in the triumph of Jim Crow. In 2016, She covered Rio Olympics for NBC Sports. This law increased tariffs significantly on a wide variety of imported goods, creating the highest tariff rates in U.S. history. $grfb.init.done(function() { I seldom distribute my comments about the daily newsletter from historian Heather Cox Richardson to a group. Her name is sometimes mistaken with the name of author Heather Cox Richardson. Dear Heather Cox Richardson "In America, the twenty years since 2000 have seen the end game of the Reagan Revolution, begun in 1980." By Michael T. Hertz - January 6, 2021 1590 SOURCE NationofChange I read your Letter from an American every morning that you write it. In 1889, the Czolgoszes moved to Natrona . The catholic church gets a bad rap these days and a lot of it is well deserved but here is a church story that one can be proud of. "She is one of the best professors I've had so far. Heather Cox Richardson Offers a Break From the Media Maelstrom. Given the Feds errors in not aiming to keep NGDP growing (trying to manage stock prices in 1929 was particularly egregious) there was little Hover could have done to head off the Depression. Id like to think it was an innocent mistake, or that the historian was merely repeating what the newspapers of the day reported. I have seen a few of Heather Cox Richardsons posts and she is about as biased as one can get. Many thanks for all your good wishes on our marriage. While economist Douglas Irwin has found that Smoot-Hawleys effects were not as large as often thought, they still helped cause a decline in international trade, a decline that contributed to the worsening worldwide depression. They claim that it is inefficient, making democratically led countries unable to react as quickly to the modern world as countries with a strong leader, and that the secular values of democracy that emphasize equality weaken a countrys morals and ultimately weaken the country itself. Interesting. Nor did she observe the irony of those consequences being played out on the eve of January 6 the day followers of Jesus observe as the Epiphany of our Lord and two years after Hateful Faithful followers of Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Billy Graham and Strom Thurmond attempted an armed insurrection on the U.S. Capitol, tried to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power and held a blasphemous prayer meeting in the name of Jesus in one chamber of the Capitol. Examples: They together have two children named Allyson(daughter) and Will(son). I have a real passion for writing and creating a unique experience for my readers! However, her analysis did not go far enough because Richardson did not mention the role of the Hateful Faithful meaning white evangelical people who claim to be Christians in the dysfunctional state of the Republican Party, the U.S. House of Representatives and across the United States. January 13, 2023 (Friday) - by Heather Cox Richardson January 13, 2023 (Friday) Heather Cox Richardson 5 hr ago 497 104 Yesterday, Russia released an American whom it had held since April in Kaliningrad, a slice of land held by Russia between Poland and Lithuania. . A historic meeting of Orthodox Christian scholars convenes to confront divisions and war, Jesus baptism site makeover aims to draw a million Christians in 2030, 35 Black churches to receive total of $4 million for preservation work. What I didn't know was the excuse she gave. Her story about Hoover's tax policy is false. Stories not only passed on knowledge vital to our everyday lives, they also explained why people acted the way they did. De La Torre writes that Graham and other white Christian nationalist visionaries cemented a nationalist Christianity that merged the state with the growing power of a group of wealthy white male capitalists who were steadfastly opposed to the Social Gospel and whose goal was the Christianization of government, business, education, media, family, entertainment and religion through the creation of a quasi-democratic theocracy.. And I'm the 'oh, sure' of political history.". $j("#connectPrompt").show(); Richardson also conducts seminars and reviews books for scholarly journals. Cox is a former college Volleyball player at the University of the Pacific. It is very important to counter this false claim of depression a failure of government action narrative! There is a minor error in Steve Horwitzs discussion of the Smoot-Hawley tariff. Heather Cox Richardson is an American historian and professor of history at Boston College. Bohanon (1899-1986) explicitly told me he voted for ROOSEVELT in 1932 because ROOSEVELT was calling for a balanced federal budget. Her daily newsletter, Letters from an American , has over a half million subscribers. Basically, white conservative Christians began to flex their political muscles to ensure the phrase under God referred only to them. This week, members of the European Parliament will debate whether the values of the European Union are under systemic threat in Hungary. "I know she will continue to advocate on behalf of . That is the work of public theologians, pastors and other people who understand that justice is more than a game about holding political power. (Yale University Press, forthcoming, 2007). So, we can a s sume that her salary is somewhere in the above range. She is the breakout star of the . Heather Cox Richardson has a very popular history newsletter on the site, Substack. A quiet day today, and a quiet night tonight. CNN's Jake Tapper said: "That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck." "He was his own tweets come to life." "We'll talk about who won the debate, who lost the debate The higher income taxes involved an increase of the standard rate from a range of 1.5 to 5% to a range of 4 to 8%. Etc.,etc.,etc. He tried to reverse the economic slide by cutting taxes and reassuring Americans that the fundamental business of the country, that is, production and distribution of commodities, is on a sound and prosperous basis. But taxes were already so low that most folks would see only a few extra dollars a year from the cuts, and the fundamental business of the country was not, in fact, sound. Second, on his massive increase in income tax rates: On top of these spending proposals, most of which were approved in one form or another, Hoover proposed, and Congress approved, the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history. Social ills such as racism would not be remedied by government, Graham preached. Sooner or later, empires and tyrants pay for disregarding prophets of justice such as MLK. Her mother's name is Alyson Schoeny. Graham smiled and said that I was making Jesus a liberal. It was odd, though, that while he officially avoided political involvement, he often boasted of advising several presidents. There were no street signs; you had to know the names of the roads by hearing stories of who had lived on them in previous generations. The most recent, "How the South Won the . National volleyball team for eight years from 1987 to 1995 God referred only to them now... They did, empires and tyrants pay for disregarding prophets of justice such as MLK was calling a! Told the white supremacist neo-fascist Proud Boys to Stand back and Stand by rates. Has a very popular history newsletter on the site, Substack is currently polling 13 points higher her! 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