It would be interesting to ask middle-aged adults what their greatest worries are. Instead, we MIT students worry about failure and dissatisfaction in the longer term, although certainly this concerns studies as well. ", and this shows that studies are indeed always on the minds of MIT students. c'est mon avenir aussi bien personnel que professionnel. 143 My greatest worry is that he'll do something stupid. disappointing those who have helped me; not being smart enough; losing my personal life to work. 4. Is your degree the most important piece of the application? that I am always looking forward to something and maybe someday I will come to the realization that I did not enjoy my life as I lived it. That's a very common sentiment at MIT where receiving an education becomes a test of physical and emotional capacity as well as mental. ma paresse, ma motivation et mon avenir, les problmes lis la religion dans le monde, peut-tre aussi mon clibat. Effectivement, nos proccupations portent sur des points prcis : vies professionnelle, sentimentale, familliale.Tandis que vous, ne parlez surtout que de choses vagues : "to fail", "won't succeed" "that I won't be happy". de l'avenir de notre pays / la plante / etc que nos amis tatsuniens. The French responses seem to show that their interpretation of "ce qui me preoccupe le plus" is more as something they do, something they worry about day to day; worry in the sense of care rather than fear. Etes-vous d'accord? de trouver un emploi. These combinations (for example collocations with "worry") just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. Why is that so? Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Il est vrai que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous proccuper de ceux qui nous entourent ? Ermellina said they need not worry, that she would not open to any one. Elodie, a possible equivalent to the "bac pro" in the United States might be vocational schools where one would learn a trade. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Annoy" in Example Sentences Page 2. This makes sense as we are all in university, which is a transition period for many. is that I will take my good fortune for granted and not take advantage of the things I have. Nonetheless, both of us want to demonstrate our full potential and prove ourselves to the world. I belive both are quite similar in that aspect. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. mes conditions de travail, mon futur, le retour de l'obscurantisme religieux. A women's greatest asset is her beauty. But I don't see anything wrong or bad with that, future can be defined in a lot of ways but the idea is the same - everyone is a little scared about their own future because we don't control it and everything that is out of our control can be scary, right? that I will end up unhappy. 2 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy Suddently, my heart was full. I think that the French ponder a bit more on issues concerning not only themselves, but issues on a more global scale as well. Il semblerait que la proccupation majeure des tudiants, qu'ils soient amricains ou franais, soit l'emploi et ensuite seulement, la famille. Hart (1986 . Words often used with worry in an English sentence: big worry, cause worry, constant worry, financial worry, greatest worry, legitimate (224) Tom was worried about me. ma copine. Looking at the French responses closely, I do agree with Mariya that some French students may have interpreted the sentence differently. -- Lots of French responses included other people (family, friends, significant others, etc. @Jean-Michael, I do think the US have some form of unemployment allocations as well. to die without fulfilling my dreams, never to be happy, to not have a family, tre pris pour aller Chicago I'm glad Laurence doesn't assume that we're all egoists based on our answers! I think that some of the american responses are due to the pressures of MIT where you're supposed to be succesful, you're supposed to get a good job, you're supposed to be happy. Or maybe these issues are more widely discussed in France or people keep up with the news more; I hardly ever read the news, so I feel that my concerns are mostly about me, not the society as a whole. la libert d'autrui dans le monde. Although the American responses seem very worried about the immediate future, part of that perhaps is our age. 574 146 Don't worry about him. 'Don ", the answer is usually something like "wow, oh my god, I have so much work to do, how am I going to finish it! relation-as cruel. to not have control over my own life, to not be able to contribute to this world, to be without friends and family, whether or not I will become the person I want to be. I think most people worry about their future and spend more time thinking about this issue than about other things. Sometimes they attend the same college, major in the same thing, or follow a similar career path. les tudes. more_vert. 2522619 You annoy me . This forum is the most popular so far. to have nothing to do. Sasha, I felt the same way you did towards the difference in number of people who said they are worried about "studies". I am interested in another thing though. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. not to achieve anything. This makes me wonder; is it common for French students to find work right after graduation? Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Analysis Familial Attitudes. The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (Rotter Rafferty, 1950) is the most well known of the interpretive systems for the sentence completion, with forms for high school, college, and adult populations. The reasons why this would be my biggest fear is as follows. We are worried about you future. @Virgile, I think it's only natural that everybody focused on their own life. 2/ Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais nous devons effectuer un stage par an (donc 3 stages) de plus en plus long. is worrying too much. . One thing I noticed is that the American responses were in general lengthier than the French ones. The noise never seems to worry her. c'est diffrent pour ceux qui n'en n'ont pas du tout mais en france nous avons des tudes que nous appellons des tudes professionnelles, des "bac pro" qui permet aux tudiant d'tudier l'cole tout en apprenant un mtier : 2 semaines en entreprise, 2 semaines l'cole.. etc. 2. ( 2017) We're aiming to keep him worried. Tomorrow Now. Je suis aussi surpris par les inquitudes montres par mes camarades ! Seeing your worry written out externalizes what you have been agonizing over. Would you agree? . Would anyone care to support or refute that? Translations of the phrase GREAT WORRY from english to spanish and examples of the use of "GREAT WORRY" in a sentence with their translations: It's been a great worry to us both. We had an interesting discussion in class about semantics of the question. l'argent, le sexe, devenir clbre avec mon groupe Phonema. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. The woman's greatest achievement was receiving a doctorate in from . _undertoad 2957060 Tom is annoyed with Mary. Do you have any personal worries about you life right now? I feel that not doing so would result in them feeling unaccomplished and not representative of the education they have received. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. What is your greatest weakness? This may be a reason for the distribution of answers amongst my colleagues. mes amis, Sentence examples for. I am also curious as to why is Chicago mentioned? Or to propose an alternate hypothesis, maybe the difference is rooted in the different political and economic environments? ma recherche de stage pour la fin de l'anne scolaire. However, others, while attempting to maintain filial piety, feel the need to remove the yoke of their parents and establish themselves as independent people in a dynamic society. @Anahid : Je ne pense pas que cela vienne de la crise conomique. ma famille. 4 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. 3. It belongs to most women. I wonder why Americans have a greater fear of failure than French students. :). People go to MIT to be game-changers, whether in industry, academia, medicine, business, etc., and there is a notion of meeting personal criteria. 126 39 Don't worry, go! I also noticed that very few people worried about things other than themselves. -- The French were a lot more worried about their actual jobs/schooling, while we were more worried, I would say, about finding happiness in our job/future situation. Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? C'est peut-tre la fois plus facile raliser, car il y a de multiples manires d'y arriver, alors que nous, nous savons ce que nous voulons et nous avons qu'une manire d'y parvenir.Pensez-vous qu'il y a cette diffrence que les amricains sont moins pragmatiques que les franais ? Vous, amricains, semblez beaucoup plus rveurs, ou optimistes. Example from the Hansard archive. that I am not living a full life. is failing out of MIT or not being successful when I graduate,. If not for fear of something, would anyone accomplish anything? Using the word opinion, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? (226) Tom is worried about you. "Je suppose que pour pouvoir se proccuper du bonheur des autres il faut d'abord passer par le sien ?". Malgr tout, ce qui me surprends c'est que les gens se sont concentrs soit sur leur avenir individuel, soit sur l'avenir une chelle bien plus globale. It is however looked down upon in written communications to use contractions. I agree with Laura's comment about how the French responses are more concerned with larger, global issues than the American responses. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. I was much worried about the examination this time. Dans plus de 50% des cas, les lves sont embauchs dans l'entreprise o ils ont fait leur stage ! mon avenir professionnel et plus largement, l'injustice du monde dans lequel nous vivons. losing some of what makes me happy right now. Q: Does the fact that you attend Einserb pretty much guarantee you a job when you graduate? . Two people really have to care about a marriage for it to last. Margaret posed a very interesting question to which I'd also like to know the answer. Last and greatest of the mammalia are the whales. To me it seemed like the French responses were short, general phrases (my future, my professional success, politics, my job/school, etc. Perhaps if it had been reworded as "what concerns me", the answers might have been a little different and more similar to what the French students said. (If we were UC Santa Cruz or UCLA, I am sure that we would also have people being concerned with The Surf.). De plus, nous sommes dans des coles d'ingnieurs / de technologie la pointe de la science. I wonder how much the responses would differ if the survey was completed by middle-aged adults. This may go back to another Forum discussion, which mainly said that our responses could be skewed, since MIT students have a slightly different perspective on work/jobs than Americans in general. We have a lot to figure out in terms of careers/future jobs. that I will fail. In Australia alone, 2 million people will suffer from anxiety in any one year. comme l'a dit samin le systme amricain est plus restrictif, il est plus dur de se faire une place dans le monde du travail sans bonnes tudes. Actually, when I took a closer look I saw that the Americans also have their family mentioned, it is just not at the beginning of the answer. We're all very young, don't have too much experience in the real world, and have great ambitions. is that I will not live up to my potential. We are all young, creative people immersed in an environment of political and economic uncertainty, and have legitimate concerns about the future. my non-existing French accent and my next big step in life. Quand je parle de la peur de l'avenir, je voulais exactement dire pareil que toi: avoir peur de rester seul ou perdre les gens que tu aimes. c'est les changements venir ds au ptrole. I was wondering the same thing as Susan: Is it hard to find work after school? Sentence examples for greatest worry from inspiring English sources. I am willing to bet that with our degree one can get into many companies, but actually figuring out what you'd want to do, finding a position that allows you to do that, and then be extremely successful at it, is quite hard. A collocation is two or more words that often go together. " (excessively, too much, unnecessarily) Children's parties are the greatest worry. les ingalits dans le monde: conomiques et sociales. We simply chose not to mention this fact too much since we are afraid to admit it. I believe Zach thinks Americans worry more about the state of things right now, but from what I remeber Meera thinks the French are more concerned about short term goals. ), while almost all of the American responses only talked about themselves! @Antoine: Many students strive to support their family or continue their legacy. Is success a direct link to happiness for the French? Lots of good trends here! B) believe the greatest worry . For example, I would like to start a foundation for students and I would like to donate to organizations and so forth, but it's much easier said than done. Does the average French person keep up with newspapers like "Le Monde" and "Le Figaro"? Also, is it French culture to put others first? Do you think that the values that the Americans appreciate the most in life are different than the values the French appreciate the most? But in my greatest test I had failed miserably. is not being able to survive in this world. I think that these survey responses just indicate that we Americans and the French understood this question differently and chose to look at two very different time scales. Sur le fait que les Franais mettent leurs familles, amis, ou autres prcoccupations en avant, je pense ( voir ce que les autres Franais vont rpondre) que c'est tout simplement une coincidence en faveur des Franais mais je ne pense pas que les Amricains soient plus goistes parce qu'ils ont rpondu plus gocentriquement! Using collocations list of "worry" improves . pour l'instant est ma russite professionelle. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. Both sides discuss relatively "selfish" things, but the nature of these things are different: as Danielle and Sasha have said, the Americans mention failure and happiness a lot, while the French mention studies and the future. From the Hansard archive That isn't to say that the French students don't worry about making changes too. I know that MIT has cerainly made me worry about things that I never worried about in highschool. Homer Simpson), I think that as America itself is an immigrant nation (melting pot), a lot of people are interested in working hard and achieving the American dream nonetheless. Et je pense que tous les humains soient Franais, Americain ou autres se ressemblent dans beaucoup de points et se diversent sur d'autres, et cela en ce qui concerne tous ce qui est ct sentiment comme la peur. Je pense que c'est trs clairement l'avenir qui inquite tout le monde - ce qui est plutt logique. I found it very interesting that some of the Frech responses were related to the political situation, the economy, and even the environment. In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. And what motivates us to wake up every morning and live our lives the way we do? "My greatest worry is that my dad will die in . So, it appears to me that things are not actually THAT different between the American and French side. Christian, I think it's not that American responses are less altruistic, it's the mindset in which Americans are more into developing their self and they are obsessed with their success and failure. A More Formal Definition of Sentence. to end up homeless or not being able to support myself, being alone and not enjoying what I do with my life. Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? ", cela veut dire "qu'est-ce qui t'inquite? I will not be able to accomplish all that I want and see all the places I want to see. I would love to know what the French students think about this comment: "my greatest worry is that we'll start losing our humanity to the likes of social media". Used intransitively, worry doesn't take a direct object. Perhaps American fears and worries seem more self-centered in that Americans are preoccupied with things they can control at least to some degree. As previously stated however, the variation in answers might've had a lot to do with the wording/translation. 1. Mais peut tre que l'on a l'impression que les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir. As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. "Yeah, that's not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped ?" 21. . The American system is much harsher on you if you fail. I wonder what other American students associate with the word "worry"as opposed to another word such as "concern" or "fear". 84 46 Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. TRANSLATOR. He is in, in my opinion, still the greatest teacher of the power of our own thoughts. Don't you worry; that affair will never come off. est de russir mes tudes et, plus long terme, ma vie. Emmanuel -- I was surprised by how much talk there was about divorce, given that I imagine I am the only student in the class who is married. The raging bull was hands down the number one, Some of it sounds like Cormac McCarthy, the, The very fact that the nineteenth century has not produced many authors whom the world may count among the, All I can say is WOW, this is probably the, Hiking and backpacking have long been two of. These words are often used together. I also found it ironic that concerns with wars and the environment only appeared on the French side? The New Yorker. Or do you feel that we students are ACTUALLY less worried about studies. It doesn't seem to appear that often in the Americans' answers compared to the French ones. I won't get a job, I will fail a class, or that something bad to happen to one of my family or friends," or that ", I will take my good fortune for granted." from the Cambridge English Dictionary (plural worries) Idioms [uncountable] the state of worrying about something synonym anxiety The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. After talking this all out, I don't think the response to this question can be generalized for each culture - it is again very much dependent on who is answering the question, when he/she is answering, etc. As for the French responses, I do not know how different they might be. I find the comment about Americans being less "altruistic" based on their fears very interesting. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism. la pauvret, les ingalits. Based on the responses, it seems like the French are much more focused on their professional success. I think the individual attitude is so expressed because we feel it is our responsibility to make things happen for us. From the Hansard archive . En effet, aprs avoir lu toutes les rponses les Amricains paraissent plus proccups par tout ce qui touche leur avenir et leur peur d'chouer entre autre. figuring out what I want to do after college. If you worry often, you're far from alone. I got a feeling that my greatest worry and ce qui me proccupe le plus don't have the same meaning in two languages. Oh non "Failure" = Echec et Avenir = " future ". (223) I was worried about this. I believe that the American responses would be somewhat different. Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry. It's interesting that the Americans (ourselves) wrote these responses and then are noticing the differences! 0 As maid of honor, Julie really wanted to toast her sister at the wedding and participate in all of the festivities but was worried about possibly passing on any alcohol to her baby. I think between the two words, that worry is a more intense word than concern, so that could be why the American responses were more personal. de valider mon semestre, d'avoir un salaire me permettant de voyager rgulirement, de savoir que mes proches vont bien. Non? worry (also: agonize, bait, bother, distress, excruciate, gnaw, harass, harry, importune, infest) volume_up. However, what I think most MIT students are worried about, isn't necessarily just about finding a job that pays well, it's about finding a job that they really enjoy. patient's completions provide a picture of a strong. You don't need to worry about me anymore. I am very far from home and only get to visit about twice a year. Is this because Americans are more culturally willing to talk about their worries? that I won't be able to find a job after graduation. Les proccupations court terme ne sont pas trs prsentes.. Je trouve que les franais insistent plus sur les ingalits dans le monde, le respect d'autrui, alors que les rponses amricaines sont moins altruistes. C'est vrai que si jamais tu perds ton travail, tu peux trouver un autre, donc ce n'est pas la fin du monde. not succeeding and becoming an ordinary person in the crowd. Je vourdrais savoir porqui est-ce que le concept du temps n'est pas plus mentionee? Hence, a lot of the American responses involve their failure, or their lack of happiness in their future. Although ironically, Americans are stereotypically lazy (i.e. I noticed that the worries on the American side are all individual worries, with 1 real exception. It is interesting that there were very few (no?) I think that for Americans, work indirectly leads to happiness because success at work will allow them to do what they want in life. with worry to be frantic with worry You don't have to worry about doing the math yourself to calculate your odds of winning. Catia was more wise than are most women. I find it very interesting that the French students featured their worries about war, poverty, and famine, along with the threat of U.S. dominance, while the American responses were more introverted. I was least worried about the examination. is that Mitt Romney will be elected and Obamacare will be repealed. On the other hand, from a brief glimpse of one of the contraband forums on the bottom of the page, the responses to "my greatest fear" from the French were also more to do with their interactions with other people than with their personal success: for example, being alone. 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